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Chemical Peel for the Body

Using a chemical peel on your body is similar to using the peel on your face with only a few differences. You can learn more about our various chemical peels and their uses by following this link.
If you've purchased one of our chemical peels and would like to use it on your body, please follow the directions provided for best results.

Note to darker skin tones: Use extreme caution in peeling the body. Hyperpigmentation is a much more common occurrence in darker skin tones when peeling the body. Melanin production responds to the peel by becoming over-productive. Once discoloration occurs, it can be difficult to treat and correct.


1. Cleanse area you are going to peel. Dry, then wipe the area thoroughly with a cotton ball/gauze pad soaked in alcohol. Allow to dry.

2. Apply peel solution in an even layer with a clean gauze pad. Allow peel solution to remain for 10 minutes.

3. Apply a second layer over the first, allow to remain on skin for 10 minutes.

At this point, your skin may take on a gray/white hue. This is commonly referred to as “frosting” and indicates that you can stop adding layers of peeling solution. However, frosting does not always occur. If frosting doesn't occur, you may add up to two more layers in the same manner as previously described.

When you see the frost appear, you need to rinse (TCA, Jessner’s) or neutralize (Glycolic, Alpha Beta, Lactic) as directed in the regular instructions. If you do not frost after 4 layers, do not add any more layers, and rinse as directed. Frost will fade on its own over the course of a few hours; do not scrub at the skin.

For about a week post-peel, your skin will take on a leathery, dry, aged look. Areas which have been sun damaged may get darker. Within 2-3 weeks, the top layer of your skin will begin to begin to flake off. Skin will not peel off in sheets, just very small flakes. Scrubbing and picking is strongly discouraged as this can result in scarring and pigment discoloration.

Until peeling occurs, your skin will look old and wrinkled. Don't worry, it won't stay that way!

In the meantime, avoid direct exposure to sun and wear sunscreen every day. Keep the area moisturized with a good quality moisturizer like Cetaphil, Aquaphor, Eucerin or body oils like Almond, Jojoba, Emu or Olive oil.